There are a number of ways you can support the Choir financially and operationally.

Occasional or regular donations

We are grateful for any amount large or small, to help us keep the doors open, as it were. All donations are fully tax deductible.

“Friends of the Choir” regular funding initiative

Our newest fundraising initiative is designed to enlist the help of the community, from individuals through to commercial enterprises, to assist in putting the choir on a sustainable financial footing, involving a commitment to an annual $35.00 donation to become a ‘Friend of the Choir’.

We need your help to retain our voice

We're extending a special invitation for corporate supporters to help us be part of our song! As a volunteer-run, fully tax deductible, not-for-profit charity we rely entirely on the financial goodwill of the general and corporate communities for our existence.

With annual costs in excess of $20,000, ongoing support will ensure stability and hope for our members.

The choir wishes to find organisations to help us to continue our song and invite you to considering partnering with a much loved Hobart brand.

Depending on you level of support, there are a range of benefits we can provide. These may include:

·        Invitation to rehearsals

·        Photo with the choir with recognition on social media (Facebook)

·        Free concert from the choir for your business

·        Recognition in our newsletter

·        Recognition on our website

·        Corporate engagement – (performances for staff etc)

Let us know how we can help your business partner together with one of Hobarts most inspiring and loved musical choirs.

For more information please email us